At BrokerRaters, we strive to educate our readers regarding online trading and investing in the financial landscape. We are an independent affiliate marketing platform that discovers, compares, and recommends online brokers, exchanges, and platforms. Some of the most popular names we partner with include eToro, Plus500, AvaTrade, and more.
We do all these not just because we want to make some money. While that is one of the reasons, we find satisfaction when we help many traders and investors find the best platforms and are able to make informed decisions. We recommend brokers and platforms even if they are not in a partnership deal with us. Therefore, if you are looking to be featured at BrokerRaters, we have prepared this page to help you understand what we offer.
What We Offer

We are proud to be one of the most reliable and recognizable sources of information. This is primarily because we remain neutral and do not make any recommendations based on partnership deals. Our collaborations with various third-party platforms do not affect our ranking scores at BrokerRaters. We remain unbiased and rate these platforms based on our test results and comparisons.
That being said, we encourage you to ensure your services and product offerings remain up to par. While we might highly rate you today, you never know where you will be tomorrow in our rankings score platform. Our team constantly compares and tests various platforms we partner with and updates our scores to ensure our readers get the best of the best. This, of course, is by using our advanced comparison tool, which has proven helpful in making the best choices.
Overall, we will review your offerings once you show interest in partnering with BrokerRaters. If you meet our stringent criteria, we will include you in our partners page. Note that our ranking method has proven efficient and we continue to receive position feedback because of it. With a growing audience and media coverage, we are proud and motivated to keep transforming lives.
What Are the Benefits for Our Partners?
BrokerRaters partnership deals expose you to a global audience. Since our visitors are newbies and professionals alike, you want them to be redirected to your website and sign up for accounts. This is what many brokerage firms or platforms strive for, as having a large traffic will give you more exposure and bring about good income in the long run.
We do not just list you on our partner’s page. Since our team will visit your website to analyze your features and offerings, we will write a detailed broker review free of charge. We will then share the review with our audience so they can decide on whether to commit. The best part is that the review will remain at BrokerRaters with no time limit. We will keep updating it based on the changes you make in your offerings so our readers can stay well-informed.
Lastly, BrokerRaters has a searchable comparison tool. By partnering with us, our readers can easily find you using this tool. Plus, we will mention you in our comprehensive educational guides and encourage our audience to read your comprehensive broker review.
Our Requirements
We have our own requirements that you must meet before we include you in our list of partners. First, since we value the safety of our readers, ensure you are licensed and regulated. This, of course, is by a world-recognized financial authority within your jurisdiction, such as CySEC, ASIC, FCA, and more. Plus, we must confirm your reputation in the industry by analyzing user testimonials on Google Play, the App Store, and Trustpilot.
Additionally, we will partner with you if you offer the best services. Through multiple tests and analyses, our team will discover what you offer, including the quality of trading tools, support services, and more. The goal is to ensure our readers identify a trading or investing platform they can trust.
Contact Us Today!
If you believe you deserve a partnership deal with BrokerRaters, we look forward to hearing from you. Through the contacts below, send us your application, and our team will revert.
Phone: +356 9969 7013